Biking without protective gear means risking your life. You do not know what awaits you. Therefore, taking precautions and wearing protective gear is something that everyone should emphasize. Biking protective gear includes more than just a helmet and riding gloves. You should also have an armored riding shirt jacket and bottom wear.
You can easily buy an armored shirt suitable for bike rides at any
store. But before choosing one, make sure to check some features in
those shirts, such as:
The inner-most liner:
An appropriate armored shirt will have layers to facilitate more
protection. The inner-most layer in such shirts protects bike riders
from temperature fluctuations, especially heat. It also gives strength
to the armored shirts. Moreover, this layer usually determines the
weight of the outfit. You can get the best armored motorcycle shirt
effortlessly if you check its inner-most layer. However, make sure to
choose armored shirts with Kevlar or aramid inner-most liners. These are
some of the best options available. Their lightweight, durable, and
strong features protect bikers from major injuries in bike accidents.
The second layer:
The second layer is usually a mesh-liner. The purpose of this layer is
to let air pass through the armored shirt. Otherwise, riders might get
uncomfortable while riding. Moreover, increased body temperature can
lead to other problems like unconsciousness. But armored shirts with
mesh-liner can help riders get away from such problems.
CE level-1 padding:
Armored shirts are nothing if they have no padding around the joints.
An armored shirt needs to offer more protection for the shoulders,
elbows, and back. Therefore, padding around these areas is crucial. It
would be better to choose armored shirts with CE level-1 padding. CE
level-1 is a rating given to joint pads used in armored shirts. It
refers to the highest standard of safety.
The outermost layer in armored shirts defines its style and look. Along
with this, the outermost layer should be lightweight and durable. One
most the preferred fabric for this is cotton and leather. You can choose
any of the two available options according to your requirements.
About Skull Riderz:
Skull Riderz makes it easier to find a motorcycle protective shirt
and other clothing items You can visit this store and get all your
biking essentials and protective gear. The store offers jackets, shirts,
hoodies, vests, etc., for bike riders. The protective outfits available
at Skull Riderz fulfill all the above-mentioned requirements in armored
shirts and jackets.
Find suitable and quality riding outfits from Skull Riderz at